Wednesday, February 25, 2009

studio work.

i made this picture to look like a poloroid cuz they're cute. and all i did was desaturate, and adjust the levels and use blurr tool getting a picture where both of us had good bubbles. haha.
i would have put up all the others as a sheet but there is honestly like 3,000 of them. maybe tomorrow.

1 comment:

btwitch said...

Even if there is a lot, you need to post at least some of the others from your shoot. Watch your spelling and grammar. Remember, this is on the web. You never know if a potential college or employer will see it, you want all of it to be as professional as possible. Also, post the originals each time so I can see what you have done, where you started and where it wound up. Even if the first shot dose not turn out as hoped, put it on there and tell me what you do not like about it. The more you get talking about your work the more that you will grow, not only in photography but in art. If I remember right, you want to go into graphic design or something like that? All art is related the elements of design are the same in all arts. The more you talk about it, the more it gets into the front part of your brain, the more you think about it when shooting.

What were you trying to accomplish from this shoot? What was your goal? Was it to get better with lights? Better at black and white? better at blurring? You need to tell me this stuff in each of your posts. Putting up a post should not take 5 minutes, it should be a 20 minute-or-so process. Spend time.

For your photo. Add more feather to the selection when you blur, so there is more of a gradation between the blur and not-blur. If you want to get into the Polaroid look, I have a program called Polardroid that is really cool. Remind me to show it to you.